Three Red Ticks On WhatsApp? Be Alert !!
WhatsApp new communication rules are implemented, all your WhatsApp calls will be recorded and your social media accounts will also be monitored?
A message got viral on whatsApp and social media, in the previous few days. The message claims whatsApp new communication rules are implemented over the government of India’s new IT rules, that means all your WhatsApp calls will be recorded and your social media accounts like: Facebook and Instagram will also be monitored.
Viral Message Claims :
» Two blue ticks, and one red tick means the government can take action against you, while three red ticks will mean that the government has started court proceedings against you.
» The Government of India’s New IT rules, which include a Traceability clause.It Means that Facebook or WhatsApp or even the government can read your messages.
» The viral message claims once the new rules are implemented, all calls will be recorded and social media accounts will also be monitored.
» The viral message even claims that your devices will get “connected to the ministry system.”
Reality Of Viral Message :
WhatsApp has not implemented any new communication rules and there is no such feature as three red ticks or three blue ticks. As of now, when a user sends a message, you get one tick (?) which means the message has been sent, and two ticks (? ?) mean the message has been delivered. If there are two blue ticks (? ?), then it means that the message has been read by the receiver. A similar three red ticks message had gone viral last year, and was debunked last year as well.
Can Anyone Spy or Read Your WhatsApp Messages?
The WhatsApp messaging app is end-to-end encrypted, so only the sender and the receiver can access any message they have exchanged. All your chats, photos, videos, voice messages, documents, status updates and calls can’t be accessed by WhatsApp, Facebook, or the government. Only you or the person you are communicating with can check chats. End-To-End Encryption means that your messages are secured with 60 digit Numbers. You then need to tap on “Encryption”. You can scan the code or compare the 60 digit numbers with the recipient. If the result is similar, then it means your messages are secured.
WhatsApp Says :
WhatsApp is not implemented any new communication rules and completely against "Traceability". The reason is if traceability comes means need to break (E2E) end-to-end encryption. Through end-to-end encryption no one can check our messages, photos, videos, voice notes, not even whatsApp itself. Breaking this means playing with user privacy and freedom as well. WhatsApp mentions that traceability is not the solution and if Indian government has no option for traceability then WhatsApp redesign the app without E2E for India only. it means our data of expression, not our any more.