Beware Of Cyber Crime In India
Some tips that can save you from cyber crime, along with how to file a complaint in cyber crime cell.
Cyber crime is any crime that takes place online or primarily online. Cyber criminals often commit crimes by targeting computer networks or devices. Cyber crime also called as computer or device crime, computer or device as an instrument to illegal use, such as fraud, trafficking, pornography, violating privacy etc. Other cyber crimes include things like “revenge porn”, cyber-stalking, harassment, bullying, and child sexual exploitation. Terrorists collaborate on the internet, moving terrorist activities and crimes into cyberspace.
Cyber crime can range from security breaches to identity theft. Every new technologies comes with new criminal opportunities. For this type of crime no need to go out, no men power, no such plans, only you need one computer most cyber crime is an attack on information about an individual, corporation or government.
The speed, convenience and anonymity of the Internet are making cyber crime a fast-growing activity. One recent study found that one in five people's personal information is stolen or an account compromised because of their online activities.
Cyber crime highlights the centrality of networked computer in our lives. The internet offers criminals multiple hiding place in the real world as well as in the network. Cyber Criminals leave clues as to their identity and location and also their best efforts to cover those clues.
Type Of Cyber Crime :
➤ Identity Theft and Invasion of Privacy
➤ Internet Fraud
➤ ATM Fraud
➤ Cyber Stalking
➤ Harassment
➤ Bullying
➤ File Sharing and Privacy
➤ Child Pornography
➤ Child Sexual Exploitation
➤ Revenge Porn
➤ Device Hacking
➤ Computer Virus Attack
➤ Spam, Steganography and Email Hacking
➤ Terrorists Collaborate
Phishing, software piracy, and denial of service attack (DOS) are some other types of cyber crime cases in India that you'll find reports about.
Some Tips To Protect Yourself From Cyber crime :
With so many potential threats out there online, how are you supposed to protect you, your kids and your information from cyber criminals? After all, cyber crime can’t be stopped completely. But sometimes it can be prevented. It all starts with practicing good online safety habits. Here are seven things that you can start doing today to better protect against computer crime.
# 1 Use Strongest Passwords :

➤ Don’t repeat your passwords on different sites, and change your passwords regularly.
➤ Use different user ID/password combinations for different accounts.
➤ Make the passwords more complicated by combining letters, numbers, special characters (minimum 10 characters in total) and change them on a regular basis.
# 2 Secure Your Computer (Laptop/Desktop) :

➤ Activate your firewall - Firewalls are the first line of cyber defense, they block connections to unknown or bogus sites and will keep out some types of viruses and hackers.
➤ Use anti-virus/malware software - Prevent viruses from infecting your computer by installing and regularly updating anti-virus software.
➤ Block spyware attacks - Prevent spyware from infiltrating your computer by installing and updating anti-spyware software.
➤ Lock or Log Off - Lock or log off your computer when you step away. This ensures that no one else will have access to all your information.
➤ Stay Offline - Go offline when you don’t need an internet connection. If your computer is always connected, it increases the chances that hackers and virus scans can invade your computer.
➤ Don't use public Wi-Fi - Hackers can easily connect to public Wi-Fi and watch your every move, including what passwords and account information you enter while you’re connected. To keep your information safe, either don’t use public Wi-Fi or avoid entering private information and using apps that have passwords when you are on public Wi-Fi.
➤ Install the latest operating system updates. Keep your applications and operating system (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux) current with the latest system updates.
➤ Use a full-service internet security or total security suite like: Quick Heal Total Security, Norton Security etc. They provides real-time protection against existing and emerging malware including ransomware and viruses, and helps protect your private and financial information when you go online.
# 3 Become Social Media Savvy :

➤ Make sure your social networking profiles (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MSN, etc.) are set to private.
➤ User security and privacy settings for your social networking profiles.
➤ Keep your personal and private information locked down.
➤ Social engineering cyber criminals can often get your personal information with just a few data points, so the less you share publicly, the better. For example, if you post your pet’s name or reveal your mother’s maiden name, you might expose the answers to two common security questions.
➤ Be careful what information you post online. Once it is on the Internet, it is there forever!
➤ Use or activate 2-Step Verification process for login in your account. It can help keep bad guys out, even if they have your password.
# 4 Secure Your Mobile Devices :

➤ Be aware that your mobile device is vulnerable to viruses and hackers.
➤ Download applications from trusted or official sources.
➤ Keep up-to-date your mobile applications.
➤ Keep up-to-date your security updates of operating system.
➤ Install or try to use the latest operating system.
# 5 Protect Your Sensitive Data :

➤ Use encryption for your most sensitive files such as tax returns or financial records.
➤ Try to avoid save or upload your most sensitive/important files to cloud storage. Use local or offline storage device like pen drive, external hard drive, CD/DVD driver etc.
➤ Make regular back-ups of all your important data, and store it in another location.
# 6 Secure Your Wireless Network :

➤ Wi-Fi (wireless) networks can be vulnerable to intrusions if they are not secured properly.
➤ Review and modify default settings of Wi-Fi or wireless network.
➤ Public Wi-Fi and Hot Spots are also vulnerable. Avoid conducting financial or corporate transactions on these networks. Hackers can easily connect to public Wi-Fi and watch your every movement.
# 7 Protect Your e-Identity :

➤ Be careful when giving out personal information such as your name, address, phone number or financial information on the Internet.
➤ Don't save filled data (Like: username, password, name, address etc.) on website or any mobile application.
➤ Make sure that websites are secure (With SSL Certificate, e.g. https://www.example.com) when making online purchases.
➤ You must have enabled privacy settings while accessing/using social networking sites.
# 8 Avoid Being Scammed :

➤ Always think before you click on a link or file of unknown origin.
➤ Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows.
➤ Always check or ensure the source of the message and email before reply.
➤ Don’t feel pressured by any email or message. If any doubt, verify the source by official sites.
➤ Cyber criminals can compromise your information through tweets, posts and online advertising, in addition to emails. If it looks suspicious, just delete it. Beware of anyone who implores you to act immediately.
➤ Be aware from things like: 100% discount, update KYC, loan granted, lottery winner etc.
# 9 Call For Help To The Right Person :

➤ Don’t panic, if you are a victim, (e.g. child exploitation) or if you suspect a computer crime, identity theft or a commercial scam, report this to your local police station. This is important even if the crime seems minor.
➤ If you need help with maintenance or software installation on your computer, consult with your service provider or a certified computer technician.
# 10 Protect Your Kids :

➤ Keep your digital devices away until they are young.
➤ Tell your kids about cyber crimes. Also help them identify fake profiles themselves and know about deceptive emails and understand the difference between real and fake.
➤ You can teach your kids about acceptable use of the internet without shutting down communication channels.
➤ Make sure they know that they can come to you if they’re experiencing any kind of online harassment, stalking, or bullying.
How To Register Cyber Crime Complaint?
The crime investigation team has been establishing many cyber crime cells in different cities of India, taking care of the reports and investigations of the cyber crimes. At present, most cities in India have a dedicated cyber crime cell. You can make a complaint anytime to the cyber police or crime investigation department either offline or online. In order to give punishment for cyber crime, the first & foremost step is to lodge complaints against the crime. You need to file a written complaint with the cyber crime cell of any jurisdiction. In the written complaint, you need to provide your name, contact details, and address for mailing. You need to address the written complaint to the Head of the cyber crime Cell of the city where you are filing the cyber crime complaint.
According to the IT Act, a cyber crime comes under the purview of global jurisdiction which means that a cyber crime complaint can be registered with any of the cyber cells in India, irrespective of the place where it was originally committed or the place where the victim is currently residing/ staying.
How To File Cyber Crime Complaint Online?
The online portal where a victim can file a cyber crime complaint is https://cyber crime.gov.in/Accept.aspx, an initiative of Government of India that caters to complaints pertaining to the online Child Pornography (CP), Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (CP/RGR) content and other cyber crimes such as social media crimes, online financial frauds, ransomware, hacking, cryptocurrency crimes, and online cyber trafficking. The portal also provides an option of reporting an anonymous complaint about reporting Child Pornography (CP) or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape (RGR) content. One can follow below mentioned steps to report a cyber crime online:-
STEP 1: Go to https://www.cybercrime.gov.in/accept.aspx
STEP 2: Click on "Report other cyber crimes" on the menu.
STEP 3: Click on "File a Complaint".
STEP 4: Read the conditions and accept them.
STEP 5: Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.
STEP 6: Fill in the relevant details about the offense.
Note: You can also report the offense anonymously.
List Of Cyber Crime Cells In India :
Assam | CID HQ, Dy.SP. Assam Police Ph: +91-361-252-618, +91-9435045242 E-mail: ssp_cod@assampolice.com |
Bangalore | Cyber Crime Police Station C.O.D Headquarters, Carlton House, # 1, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001 +91-80-2220 1026 +91-80-2294 3050 +91-80-2238 7611 (FAX) |
Delhi | CBI Cyber Crime Cell: Superintendent of Police, Cyber Crime Investigation Cell Central Bureau of Investigation, 5th Floor, Block No.3, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 3 +91-11-4362203, +91-11-4392424 E-Mail: cbiccic@bol.net.in |
Pune | Deputy Commissioner of Police(Crime) Office of the Commissioner Office, 2, Sadhu Vaswani Road, Camp, Pune 411001 +91-20-26123346, +91-20-26127277, +91-20-2616 5396 +91-20-2612 8105 (Fax) E-Mail: crimecomp.pune@nic.in, punepolice@vsnl.com |
Jharkhand | IG-CID, Organized Crime Rajarani Building, Doranda Ranchi, 834002 Ph: +91-651-2400 737/ 738 E-mail: a.gupta@jharkhandpolice.gov.in |
Haryana | Cyber Crime and Technical Investigation Cell, Joint Commissioner of Police Old S.P.Office complex, Civil Lines, Gurgaon E-mail: jtcp.ggn@hry.nic.in |
Jammu | SSP, Crime CPO Complex, Panjtirthi, Jammu-180004 Ph: +91-191-257-8901 E-mail: sspcrmjmu-jk@nic.in |
Meghalaya | SCRB, Superintendent of Police Meghalaya Ph: +91 98630 64997 E-mail: scrb-meg@nic.in |
Bihar | Cyber Crime Investigation Unit ADDL. SP (CYBER CELL), Kotwali Police Station, Patna Ph: +91 8986912829 E-mail: cciu-bih@nic.in |
Chennai | Assistant Commissioner of Police Cyber Crime Cell, Central Crime Branch, Commissioner office Campus Vepery, Chennai- 600007 Contact Details: +91-40-2345 2348, 2345 2350 |
For Rest of Tamil Nadu | Cyber Crime Cell, CB, CID, Chennai ph: +91 44 2250 2512 E-mail id: cbcyber@tn.nic.in |
Hyderabad | Cyber Crime Police Station Crime Investigation Department, 3rd Floor, D.G.P. office, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad – 500004 +91-40-2324 0663, +91-40-2785 2274 +91-40-2785 2040, +91-40-2329 7474 (Fax) |
Thane | 3rd Floor, Police Commissioner Office Near Court Naka, Thane West, Thane 400601. +91-22-25424444, E-Mail: police@thanepolice.org |
Gujarat | DIG, CID, Crime, and Railways Fifth Floor, Police Bhavan Sector 18, Gandhinagar 382 018 +91-79-2325 4384, +91-79-2325 0798 +91-79-2325 3917 (Fax) |
Madhya Pradesh | IGP, Cyber Cell, Police Radio Headquarters Campus, Bhadadhadaa Road, Bhopal (M.P.) Ph: 0755-2770248, 2779510 |
Mumbai | Cyber Crime Investigation Cell Office of Commissioner of Police office, Annex -3 Building, 1st floor, Near Crawford Market, Mumbai-01. +91-22-22630829, +91-22-22641261 E-mail id: officer@cybercellmumbai.com |
Himachal Pradesh | CID Cyber Cell, Superintendent of Police, cyber crime, State CID, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2 Ph: 0177-2621714 Ext: 191, 0177-2627955 E-mail:cybercrcell-hp@nic.in, Online Complaint |
Kerala | Hitech Cell Police Headquarters Thiruvananthapuram +91-471 272 1547, +91-471 272 2768 E-mail: hitechcell@keralapolice.gov.in |
Orissa | Cyber Crime Police Station, CID, CB, Odisha, Cuttack-753001 Ph. No.0671-2305485 E-mail ID:- sp1cidcb.orpol@nic.in |
Punjab | Cyber Crime Police Station DSP cyber crime, S.A.S Nagar, Patiala, Punjab Ph: +91 172 2748 100 |
Uttar Pradesh | Cyber Crime Cell, Agra Range 7, Kutchery Road, Baluganj, Agra-232001 Uttar Pradesh Ph:+91-562-2210551 e-mail: digraga@up.nic.in, cybercrimeag-up@nic.in | Cyber Crime Cell, Crime Branch, Law Enforcement Agency, Police Line, Agra – 282001 |
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